
Extracts Lagrangian Coherent Structures form flow.

This project is maintained by ameli

LCS Plugin for ParaView

This package has been created to extract coherent structures of the flow. The resulting output is a manifold with consistent triangulation orientation.

Max Strain LCS of ABC flow

Build Source

Source code can be obtained from github repository. Create a build directory and download the source code inside the build directory:

$ git clone git://
$ cd lcs
$ mkdir build

Now, build the code:

$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install

Installation directory is in install directory. For system wide installation, users may change PROJECT_INSTALL_PATH in cmake. For UNIX systems a preferred system wide path is /usr/local/bin.

Program Usage

The programcan be used either in terminal or as a ParaView plugin. Here are examples to use it in terminal:

$ lcs /input-path/inputfile.vtk outputfile.vtk

For help, use -h, for get program information use -i and for see the license, use -l options.

$ lcs -h
$ lcs -i
$ lcs -l

The input file should be a structured point data. Also Cauchy-Green tensors should be included in PointData of the file as a tensor field. A sample of input data with few number line are as following:

# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
t = 0.000000000

DIMENSIONS 101 101 101
ORIGIN -3.141593 -3.141593 -3.141593
SPACING 0.062831853 0.062831853 0.062831853

POINT_DATA 1030301
1841.529748 -571.912532 -688.962477
-571.912532 178.498989 212.501996
-688.962477 212.501996 260.187902

ParaView Plugin Usage

For using the program as a plugin, should select the BUILD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN while configuring in ccmake. After compiling the code, the two shared libraries and will be created in the bin folder. Depending on the operating system, the extension of shared libraries are different. In Linux, the expedition is .so, while in Mac and Windows are .dll and .dylib respectively.

Figures 2,3 and 4 illustrates how to load the plugin and apply it to make a pipeline in ParaView. loading the plugin in ParaView. Users may find the filter in Filter menu under Extensions.

Manage Plugins

Load Plugins

Apply Plugins


Users can choose which type of deformation be used for extracting LCS. The options are

Options of plugins as shown in figure 5.

Setting of the Plugins


Figure 6 shows max strain LCS for ABC flow. The resolution of initial flowmap grid is 101x101x101.

Max Strain LCS for ABC flow


This source code is provided as-is, without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for non commercial purpose, to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

Bug Report

Any bug reports and comments are appreciated. You may report bugs at github, or send email.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, award number 1047963.