
class glearn.Timer(hold=True)#

A timer to measure elapsed wall time and CPU process time of Python process.

holdbool, default=True

When hold is True, measuring time between successive tic-toc calls are cumulative.


Difference Between Wall and Process Times:

The wall time (Timer.wall_time) measures the wall’s clock time in between the execution of two tasks, including. This includes when the processor is idle or performs other tasks other the Python process.

On the other hand, the process time (Timer.proc_time) is the combined CPU clock on all cores of the CPU processor of the process. It excludes the time when the processor is idle. Namely, it only measures how much the processor was busy. Also, it only measures the time it takes to run the current process, and not other tasks that the process might perform concurrently.

As a rule of thumb, the process time is larger than the wall time by the order of the number of CPU cores (see glearn.device.get_num_cpu_threads()). However, the process time can in some cases deviate from this rule significantly (or even be less than the wall time if the processor was largely idle).

Generally, the process time is the preferred measure to benchmark a computational task.


Using Tic-Toc:

A simple usage of measuring wall and process time to compute the log-determinant of a sample matrix:

>>> # Load Timer class
>>> from glearn import Timer

>>> # Instantiate a timer object
>>> timer = Timer()

>>> # Start tracking time
>>> timer.tic()

>>> # do something time-consuming
>>> from imate import toeplitz, logdet
>>> A = toeplitz(2, 1, size=1000000, gram=True)
>>> ld, info = logdet(A, method='slq', return_info=True)

>>> # Register a time-stamp right here in the code
>>> timer.toc()

>>> # Read wall time
>>> timer.wall_time

>>> # Read process time
>>> timer.proc_time

The toc calls can continue (multiple toc calls). In each of the toc calls, the measured time is updated from the time s toc is called with respect to the last tic call.

Resetting Timer:

The above timer can be reset as follows:

>>> # Reset timer
>>> timer.reset()

# By resetting, all attributes of the object set back to zero
>>> timer.wall_time

>>> time.proc_time

Accumulative Time Measure Using Hold:

Often it is useful to measure times accumulatively, in between multiple pairs of tic-toc calls. To do so, set hold to True as follows. The measured time in the example below is the addition of the first two and the second two calls to the pair of tic and toc on the highlighted lines, which includes the time to process matrices A and C, but excludes the matrix B.

>>> # Load Timer class
>>> from glearn import Timer

>>> # Instantiate a timer object
>>> timer = Timer(hold=True)

>>> # The first call to tic
>>> timer.tic()

>>> # The first task with matrix A.
>>> from imate import toeplitz, logdet
>>> A = toeplitz(2, 1, size=1000000, gram=True)
>>> logdet(A, method='slq')

>>> # The first call to toc stops tracking time since last tic.
>>> timer.toc()

>>> # A second task with matrix B. Elapsed time for this task is not
>>> # recorded.
>>> B = toeplitz(3, 2, size=1000000, gram=True)
>>> logdet(B, method='slq')

>>> # Resume tracking time.
>>> timer.tic()

>>> # The third task with matrix C. Time for this job is added to the
>>> # time tracking since timer is resumed.
>>> C = toeplitz(4, 3, size=1000000, gram=True)
>>> logdet(C, method='slq')

>>> # The second call to toc stops tracking time since last tic.
>>> timer.toc()

>>> # Read wall time
>>> timer.wall_time

>>> # Read process time
>>> timer.proc_time
init_wall_timefloat, default=0

The initial wall time in seconds. This is set by glearn.Timer.tic().

init_proc_timefloat, default=0

The initial CPU process time in seconds. This is set by glearn.Timer.tic().

tic_initiatedbool, default=False

Indicates whether the function glearn.Timer.tic() has been called to initiate tracking time.


Initialized by the argument hold, and indicates whether to accumulate the recording of time between successive tic-toc calls.

wall_timefloat, default=0

The wall time between a tic and a toc in seconds. This variable is updated by calling glearn.Timer.toc().

proc_timefloat, default=0

The CPU process time between a tic and a toc in seconds. This variable is updated by calling glearn.Timer.toc().

countint, default=0

Counts how many pairs of tic-toc is called. That is, the counter counts a completed pair of tic-toc calls. If there is one tic but multiple toc calls later, this is counted as only once.



Initializes tracking time.


Measures time from the last call to glearn.Timer.tic().


Resets time counters.