
class glearn.priors.Gamma(shape=1.0, rate=1.0)#

Gamma distribution.


For the methods of this class, see the base class glearn.priors.Prior.

shapefloat or array_like[float], default=1.0

The shape parameter \(\alpha\) of Gamma distribution. If an array \(\boldsymbol{\alpha} = (\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_p)\) is given, the prior is assumed to be \(p\) independent Gamma distributions each with shape \(\alpha_i\).

ratefloat or array_like[float], default=1.0

The rate \(\beta\) of Gamma distribution. If an array \(\boldsymbol{\beta} = (\beta_1, \dots, \beta_p)\) is given, the prior is assumed to be \(p\) independent Gamma distributions each with rate \(\beta_i\).


Single Hyperparameter:

The Gamma distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha > 0\) and rate parameter \(\beta > 0\) is defined by the probability density function

\[p(\theta \vert \alpha, \beta) = \frac{\theta^{\alpha-1} e^{-\beta \theta} \beta^{\alpha}}{\Gamma(\alpha)},\]

where \(\Gamma\) is the Gamma function.

Multiple Hyperparameters:

If an array of the hyperparameters are given, namely \(\boldsymbol{\theta} = (\theta_1, \dots, \theta_p)\), then the prior is the product of independent priors

\[p(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = p(\theta_1) \dots p(\theta_p).\]

In this case, if the input arguments shape and rate are given as the arrays \(\boldsymbol{\alpha} = (\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_p)\) and \(\boldsymbol{\beta} = (\beta_1, \dots, \beta_p)\), each prior \(p(\theta_i)\) is defined as the Gamma distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha_i\) and rate parameter \(\beta_i\). In contrary, if shape and rate are given as the scalars \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), then all priors \(p(\theta_i)\) are defined as the Gamma distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha\) and rate parameter \(\beta\).


Create Prior Objects:

Create the Gamma distribution with the shape parameter \(\alpha=2\) and rate parameter \(\beta=4\).

>>> from glearn import priors
>>> prior = priors.Gamma(2, 4)

>>> # Evaluate PDF function at multiple locations
>>> t = [0, 0.5, 1]
>>> prior.pdf(t)
array([0.        , 1.08268227, 0.29305022])

>>> # Evaluate the Jacobian of the PDF
>>> prior.pdf_jacobian(t)
array([        nan, -2.16536453, -0.87915067])

>>> # Evaluate the Hessian of the PDF
>>> prior.pdf_hessian(t)
array([[       nan, 0.        , 0.        ],
       [0.        , 0.        , 0.        ],
       [0.        , 0.        , 2.34440178]])

>>> # Evaluate the log-PDF
>>> prior.log_pdf(t)

>>> # Evaluate the Jacobian of the log-PDF
>>> prior.log_pdf_jacobian(t)
array([ -6.90775528, -26.82306851, -89.80081863])

>>> # Evaluate the Hessian of the log-PDF
>>> prior.log_pdf_hessian(t)
array([[ -21.20759244,    0.        ,    0.        ],
       [   0.        ,  -67.06429581,    0.        ],
       [   0.        ,    0.        , -212.07592442]])

>>> # Plot the distribution and its first and second derivative
>>> prior.plot()

Where to Use the Prior object:

Define a covariance model (see glearn.Covariance) where its scale parameter is a prior function.

>>> # Generate a set of sample points
>>> from glearn.sample_data import generate_points
>>> points = generate_points(num_points=50)

>>> # Create covariance object of the points with the above kernel
>>> from glearn import covariance
>>> cov = glearn.Covariance(points, kernel=kernel, scale=prior)
shapefloat or array_like[float], default=0

Shape parameter \(\alpha\) of the distribution

ratefloat or array_like[float], default=0

Rate parameter \(\beta\) of the distribution



Find an initial guess for the hyperparameters based on the peaks of the prior distribution.


Probability density function of the prior distribution.


Jacobian of the probability density function of the prior distribution.


Hessian of the probability density function of the prior distribution.