
class glearn.kernels.RationalQuadratic#

Rational quadratic kernel.

The kernel object is used as input argument to the instants of glearn.Covariance class.


For the methods of this class, see the base class glearn.kernels.Kernel.

alphafloat, default=2.0

The parameter \(\alpha\) of the rational quadratic function (see Notes below).


The exponential kernel is defined as

\[k(x) = \left( 1 + \frac{x^2}{2 \alpha} \right)^{-\alpha}.\]

The first derivative of the kernel is

\[\frac{\mathrm{d} k(x)}{\mathrm{d}x} = -x k(x)^{-1-\alpha},\]

and its second derivative is

\[\frac{\mathrm{d} k(x)}{\mathrm{d}x} = x^2 (1 + \alpha^{-1}) k(x)^{-2-\alpha} - k(x)^{-1-\alpha}.\]


Create Kernel Object:

>>> from glearn import kernels

>>> # Create an exponential kernel
>>> kernel = kernels.RationalQuadratic(alpha=2.0)

>>> # Evaluate kernel at the point x=0.5
>>> x = 0.5
>>> kernel(x)

>>> # Evaluate first derivative of kernel at the point x=0.5
>>> kernel(x, derivative=1)

>>> # Evaluate second derivative of kernel at the point x=0.5
>>> kernel(x, derivative=2)

>>> # Plot kernel and its first and second derivative
>>> kernel.plot()

Where to Use Kernel Object:

Use the kernel object to define a covariance object:

>>> # Generate a set of sample points
>>> from glearn.sample_data import generate_points
>>> points = generate_points(num_points=50)

>>> # Create covariance object of the points with the above kernel
>>> from glearn import covariance
>>> cov = glearn.Covariance(points, kernel=kernel)