

Bound of the interpolation function.

If \(p < 1\), this function is a lower bound, and if \(p > 1\), this function is an upper bound of the interpolation function.

tfloat or numpy.array

An inquiry point or an array of inquiry points.

boundfloat or numpy.array

Bound function evaluated at t. If t is an array, the output is also an array of the size of t.


A lower bound for \(\mathrm{logdet}(\mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B})\) is obtained as follows. Define

\[\Vert \mathbf{A} \Vert_0 = \left| \mathrm{det}(\mathbf{A}) \right|^{\frac{1}{n}}\]

Also, let

\[\tau_0(t) = \frac{ \Vert \mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B} \Vert_0} {\Vert \mathbf{B} \Vert_0}\]

and \(\tau_{0, 0} = \tau_0(0)\). A sharp bound of the function \(\tau_0(y)\) is (see [1], Section 3):

\[\tau_{0}(t) \geq \tau_{0, 0} + t, \quad t \in [0, \infty).\]

The above inequality originate from the Brunn-Minkowski determinant inequality.



Ameli, S., and Shadden. S. C. (2022). Interpolating Log-Determinant and Trace of the Powers of Matrix \(\mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B}\). Statistics and Computing 32, 108.


Create an interpolator object \(f\) using four interpolant points \(t_i\):

>>> # Generate sample matrices (symmetric positive-definite)
>>> from imate.sample_matrices import correlation_matrix
>>> A = correlation_matrix(size=20, scale=1e-1)
>>> B = correlation_matrix(size=20, scale=2e-2)

>>> # Initialize interpolator object
>>> from imate import InterpolateLogdet
>>> ti = [1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1]
>>> f = InterpolateLogdet(A, B, ti=ti)

Create an array t and evaluate upper bound on t. Also, interpolate the function \(f\) on the array t.

>>> # Interpolate at an array of points
>>> import numpy
>>> t = numpy.logspace(-2, 1, 1000)
>>> lb = f.lower_bound(t)
>>> interp = f.interpolate(t)

Plot the results:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

>>> # Plot settings (optional)
>>> from imate._utilities import set_custom_theme
>>> set_custom_theme(font_scale=1.15)

>>> plt.semilogx(t, interp, color='black', label='Interpolation')
>>> plt.semilogx(t, lb, '--', color='black', label='Lower Bound')
>>> plt.xlim([t[0], t[-1]])
>>> plt.ylim([-10, 50])
>>> plt.xlabel('$t$')
>>> plt.ylabel('$\mathrm{logdet}(\mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B})$')
>>> plt.title('Interpolation of Log-Determinant')
>>> plt.legend()