
InterpolateTrace.plot(t, normalize=False, compare=False)#

Plot the interpolation results.


Inquiry points to be interpolated.

normalizebool, default: False

If set to False the function \(f_p(t) = \mathrm{trace} (\mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B})^p\) is plotted. If set to True, the following normalized function is plotted:

\[g_p(t) = \frac{\mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{A} + t \mathbf{B})^{p}}{\mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{B})^p}.\]
comparebool, default=False

If True, it computes the exact function values (without interpolation), then compares it with the interpolated solution to estimate the relative error of interpolation.


When this option is enabled, the exact solution will be computed for all inquiry points, which can take a very long time.


If matplotlib is not installed.


If t is not an array of size greater than one.


Graphical Backend:

  • If no graphical backend exists (such as running the code on a remote server or manually disabling the X11 backend), the plot will not be shown, rather, it will ve saved as an svg file in the current directory.

  • If the executable latex is on the path, the plot is rendered using \(\rm\LaTeX\), which then, it takes a bit longer to produce the plot.

  • If \(\rm\LaTeX\) is not installed, it uses any available San-Serif font to render the plot.

To manually disable interactive plot display, and save the plot as SVG instead, add the following in the very beginning of your code before importing imate:

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['IMATE_NO_DISPLAY'] = 'True'


Create an interpolator object \(f\) using four interpolant points \(t_i\):

>>> # Generate sample matrices (symmetric positive-definite)
>>> from imate.sample_matrices import correlation_matrix
>>> A = correlation_matrix(size=20, scale=1e-1)
>>> B = correlation_matrix(size=20, scale=2e-2)

>>> # Initialize interpolator object
>>> from imate import InterpolateTrace
>>> ti = [1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1]
>>> f = InterpolateTrace(A, B, p=-1, ti=ti)

Define an array if inquiry point t and call imate.InterpolateTrace.plot() function to plot the interpolation of the function \(f(t)\):

>>> import numpy
>>> t_array = numpy.logspace(-2, 1, 1000)
>>> f.plot(t_array)

To compare with the true values (without interpolation), pass compare=True to the above function.


By setting compare to True, every point in the array t is evaluated both using interpolation and with the exact method (no interpolation). If the size of t is large, this may take a very long run time.

>>> f.plot(t_array, normalize=True, compare=True)