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C++/CUDA Reference
CcAffineMatrixFunction | Base class for affine matrix functions of one parameter |
CcCSCAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcCSCMatrix | |
CcCSRAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcCSRMatrix | |
CcDenseAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcDenseMatrix | |
CcLinearOperator | Base class for linear operators. This class serves as interface for all derived classes |
CcMatrix | Base class for constant matrices |
CcMatrixOperations | A static class for matrix-vector operations, which are similar to the level-2 operations of the BLAS library. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CConvergenceTools | A static class to compute the trace of implicit matrix functions using stochastic Lanczos quadrature method. This class acts as a templated namespace, where the member methods is public and static. The internal private member functions are also static |
CcOrthogonalization | A static class for orthogonalization of vector bases. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CcTraceEstimator | A static class to compute the trace of implicit matrix functions using stochastic Lanczos quadrature method. This class acts as a templated namespace, where the member methods is public and static. The internal private member functions are also static |
CcuAffineMatrixFunction | Base class for affine matrix functions of one parameter |
CcublasSymbols | A static container to store symbols of loaded cublas library |
CcuCSCAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcuCSCMatrix | |
CcuCSRAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcuCSRMatrix | |
CCudaInterface | An interface to CUDA linrary to facilitate working with CUDA, such as memory allocation, copy data to and from device, etc. This class contains all public static functions and serves as a namespace |
CcudartSymbols | A static container to store symbols of loaded cudart library |
CCudaTimer | Records elasped time between two CUDA events |
CcuDenseAffineMatrixFunction | |
CcuDenseMatrix | |
CcuLinearOperator | Base class for linear operators. This class serves as interface for all derived classes |
CcuMatrix | Base class for constant matrices |
CcuMatrixOperations | A static class for matrix-vector operations, which are similar to the level-2 operations of the BLAS library. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CcuOrthogonalization | A static class for orthogonalization of vector bases. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CcusparseSymbols | A static container to store symbols of loaded cusparse library |
CcuTraceEstimator | A static class to compute the trace of implicit matrix functions using stochastic Lanczos quadrature method. This class acts as a templated namespace, where the member methods is public and static. The internal private member functions are also static |
CcuVectorOperations | A static class for vector operations, similar to level-1 operations of the BLAS library. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CcVectorOperations | A static class for vector operations, similar to level-1 operations of the BLAS library. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CDeviceProperties | Properties of GPU devices |
CDiagonalization | A static class to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors (diagonalize) tridiagonal and bidiagonal matrices. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CExponential | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto e^{a \lambda} \) |
CFunction | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \lambda \) |
CGaussian | Defines the function |
CHomographic | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \frac{a \lambda + b}{ c \lambda + d} \) |
CIdentity | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \lambda \) |
CIndicator | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto H(\lambda - a) - H(\lambda - b) \) where \( H \) is the Heaviside step function |
CInverse | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \frac{1}{\lambda} \) |
CLogarithm | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \log(\lambda) \) |
CPower | Defines the function \( f: \lambda \mapsto \lambda^{p} \), where \( p \in \mathbb{R} \) is a parameter and should be set by this->exponent member |
CRandomArrayGenerator | A static class to generate random set of vectors. This class acts as a templated namespace, where all member methods are public and static |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Generates 64-bit integers on multiple parallel threads |
CSmoothStep | Defines the function |
CSplitMix64 | Pseudo-random integer generator. This class generates 64-bit integer using SplitMix64 algorithm |
CTimer | Records elasped wall time between two events |
CXoshiro256StarStar | Pseudo-random integer generator. This class generates 64-bit integer using Xoshiro256** algorithm |